My Top 2 Easy Ways of Making Passive Income

There are many ways of making passive income, but not all of them are easy for the average person to get involved in. So, I want to share with you my top 2 passive income producing opportunities that I believe most people can do.

Now when I say ‘easy’ it doesn't mean it won’t require any work, they are easy in terms of the concept and how they work, however, there is still a level of effort that's required on your part.

easy ways of making passive income

One of the easiest ways of making passive income is by opening a Trading PAMM Account

One of the easiest ways of making passive income is by opening a PAMM account with a company that can trade in the crypto and forex markets on your behalf.

For people that are very skilled at trading, it is a very lucrative way of making money if you know what you are doing. However, if you don't know what you are doing, you can lose a lot of money. In fact, most retail traders end up losing money.

The difference between trading and holding is that, with trading, you can make money whether the market is going up or down. So whether the value of a particular fiat or crypto currency that you are trading goes up or down, you can make money if you are able to correctly predict and bet in the direction the market will move.

make passive income trading with novatech

Traders employ a lot of different tools for technical analysis to help them correctly predict which direction the market is going to move. The really good ones are able to win most of their trades and therefore profit greatly from doing so. 

When you hold an asset instead of trading (be it a stock or a particular crypto currency like bitcoin) you are essentially banking on the value of that asset going up. As you hold on to that asset, you also ride all the movements and volatility of the market, so as the value of that asset goes up, you make money, but the value can also decrease meaning you will lose money. When you hold instead of trade, you are subject to the ups and downs of the market.

Trading essentially allows you to profit from that volatility - that's the beauty of trading, instead of the rollercoaster of being happy when the market moves up and the disappointment of it going back down - you can make money regardless of which way it moves. The hard part however is betting in the right direction. 

One of the ways of making passive income trading, without needing to learn technical analysis, and become an expert at correctly predicting the direction the market will move (skills that take years to acquire and plenty of losses along the way) is by leveraging the skills of the experts.

You can open a PAMM account with a company like NovaTechFX. A PAMM account  (Percentage Allocation Management Module) allows you to deposit the capital or money you want to trade with into the account, the traders at NovaTech then pool that money together with that of other investors, and trade on your behalf in the cryptocurrency and foreign exchange (forex) markets.

If you are ready to get started making passive income with NovaTechFX , you can register here. The link to the registration page is my affiliate link and I will make a commision from novatech only after you've funded your account. Please also make sure you have your crypto ready before you register so you can fund your account right away.

At the end of every trading week, the trading profits are calculated. You keep 70% of the profits that are made on your capital, while NovaTech keeps 30% for helping you trade. Although returns are not guaranteed, and there is a possibility of loss. NovaTech has typically averaged a weekly return of 3% since they started operating in June of 2019 and as of the time of writing this, they are yet to have a losing week. Returns do fluctuate, but on average it's around 3% weekly.

NovaTech is currently one of my favorite ways of making passive income because it's easy to do. It's as easy as opening a PAMM account and depositing your money into the PAMM account and NovaTech pretty much takes care of the rest. Then all you need to do is check back once a week to see how much profit they made for you (if any)

To find out more about NovaTech and how you can start making passive income with them, click here.

One of the other easy ways of making passive income is by starting a YouTube channel

youtube logo noback

Creating a YouTube channel around something you are passionate about is not only fun, but also a great way of making passive income. Again, the concept is what I refer to as ‘easy’, however, the application will require some work.

In theory, it's pretty easy to create a YouTube account, set up your channel and start creating and posting videos. Anyone with a laptop or a smartphone can pretty much do that. If you want to turn this into something that can generate passive income for you however, you’ll need to put in some extra effort.

For one, ideally you’ll want to create content in a niche / topic or subject area that you are passionate about but also one that can be easily monetized. For example I’m passionate about NovaTech (which is what my YouTube Channel is about)  - That niche falls within the make money online niche which is highly profitable in terms of what you are able to make in ad revenue and affiliate commissions.

While it might be fun making content in a niche that you are passionate about, if that niche doesn't translate into profitability, then it kinda defeats the purpose - we are talking about ways of making passive income after all.

You’ll also need to learn skills such as writing titles and creating video thumbnails that people want to click, writing about topics your potential audience are actually interested in, instead of just making videos about what you want to talk about. Learning the art of not only getting views but also getting your audience to stay engaged with your content.

If you are able to nail these skills, then you will eventually have yourself one of the best ways of making passive income. At the point of writing this, my youtube channel is generating me over $2,000 a month in ad revenue and affiliate referral commissions. 

youtube income september 2022

Each video once posted, is a passive income generating machine. Creating quality content and building up your channel to a point where you can qualify for the YouTube Partner Program, in order to get monetized and start making money from your YouTube channel, as I said earlier, will require effort, but if you get it right, each video you upload will literally be making you money while you sleep.

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