Is NovaTech a Scam, Ponzi or Pyramid Scheme?

The Real Truth About NovaTech

If you’ve done any type of search on NovaTech on google, YouTube or any search engine for that matter, you will see a lot of articles or videos of people claiming that novatechfx isn’t what they claim to be. Some call it a scam, some say it’s a ponzi scheme, others call it a pyramid scheme. These articles claim that you should not invest with novatech, that you’ll lose your money and that the owners can't be trusted. In fact some will even claim that there is no real forex or crypto trading taking place - that they’re just using the money from new members to pay old members.

Is Novatech a scam

But the question is, are any of these claims really true? Like a lot of people, I was also initially very skeptical about novatech when I first heard about them. Surely this thing can’t be legit I thought, how is it possible to see these kinds of returns on a weekly basis. However, instead of just discarding it as a scam without really looking into the facts, I decided to actually do some of my own due diligence to gather the real truth instead of just accepting the negative claims out there.

The results of my due diligence are recorded in this very detailed video below titled ‘6 Reasons People Don’t Trust NovaTech’

In the video I address the common concerns people have about novatech and why many claim it’s not legitimate, I then present the facts and real truth instead of the misinformation that's floating around.

I hope the video cleared up a lot of the misinformation for you. If you haven't watched it yet, I strongly recommend watching it now before reading the rest of this page.

Having been with NovaTech for about 9 months at the time of writing this, I can tell you that Novatech has delivered on everything they promise.

If you are ready to get started making weekly passive income with NovaTechFX , you can register here. The link to the registration page is my affiliate link and I will make a commision from novatech only after you've funded your account. Please also make sure you have your crypto ready before you register so you can fund your account right away.

I have been with other platforms that claimed to be trading crypto and forex for investors, these are the platforms that claim to guarantee you a fixed amount of return everyday or every week (a guarantee that novatech never makes by the way, because they know the market can fluctuate and they don’t want to be in a position to have to pay people money they never made) what I can tell you as a matter of fact is that the scam and ponzi platforms, most of which guarantee you a certain weekly or daily return do not last, they are gone as quickly as they came. The scam and ponzi platforms are gone within a matter of weeks or a couple of months at best.

novatech is still here

Yet here is novatech, been here since June 2019, still here 3 years later (going into its 4th year) still paying out returns to investors weekly, still allowing people access to their money, nobody has lost money, nobody’s money is stuck on the platform. I personally make withdrawals every week, and I receive every single one of them, no stories, no drama.

Now, am I claiming that NovaTech is risk free? No. Like any investment, there are risks of loss involved, and as such you should only invest what you are willing to lose. But there is a difference between losing money because the markets go against you, vs losing money because of bad actors who want to take advantage of you.

Based on my fact finding, novatech is not trying to scam people, neither is it a ponzi. If the owners were trying to scam people, there are already millions of dollars of investors' money being traded by novatech, why haven't the owners run away with all this money yet? 

If it was a ponzi, there is more money being withdrawn by investors on a weekly basis than there is new money coming in, so it would have collapsed by now. Yet NovaTech is still here and still going strong.

Novatech lightbulb pic

It’s important to be guided by facts not misinformation and fear. This isn’t even about me trying to convince you to join novatech, it’s about giving people the real facts, so that people can make their decision on whether to join or not based on the facts and not the misinformation.

It would be a shame for people to miss out on this opportunity because they were misinformed, and that's exactly what is happening to a lot of people. NovaTech for me has been liberating for my finances. It’s given me financial peace of mind, it’s been dependable, I’m not worried about the platform disappearing tomorrow because the owners themselves have said they are not planning to fail or mess around with people's money and so far they’ve been true to that.

The company is changing the lives of so many people around the world, giving people financial freedom, empowering people financially - myself included. For those who do not buy into the negativity but are rather driven by the facts, they are enjoying the benefits of this great opportunity.

If you are ready to get started making weekly passive income with NovaTechFX , you can register here. The link to the registration page is my affiliate link and I will make a commision from novatech only after you've funded your account. Please also make sure you have your crypto ready before you register so you can fund your account right away.

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